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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/outa-asks-govt-to-clarify-roles-of-ministers-in-era-bill-minimise-nersas-price-setting-power-2024-04-30
 Article Headline: Outa asks govt to clarify roles of Ministers in ERA Bill, minimise Nersa’s price-setting power
 Abstract: While the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) supports the broad intent of the Electricity Regulation Amendment (ERA) Bill, as it seeks to improve energy security in the country, it says more must be done to move away from regulated pricing to more market-oriented pricing with greater levels of competition and efficiency. Outa considers the ERA Bill to be extremely important legislation for putting in place the necessary legal, regulatory, planning and pricing frameworks, rules and procedures to implement government policy for a restructured electricity supply energy.
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