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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/municipal-pipe-replacement-projects-could-help-relieve-local-water-pressures-2016-02-12
 Article Headline: Municipal pipe replacement projects could help relieve water pressures
 Abstract: South Africa is in the throes of its worst drought in decades, with the South African Weather Service announcing last month that 2015 was the driest year on record since 1904. To combat this, government has implemented water restrictions in Gauteng, Cape Town and parts of KwaZulu-Natal. However, Industrial Water Cooling (IWC) CEO Roger Rusch argues that these restrictions will not be effective enough to tackle the current water crisis facing South Africa. Municipalities need to urgently replace old steel and asbestos cement pipes with suitable, maintenance-free reinforced plastic pipes, he believes.
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