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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/danakali-receives-positive-feedback-from-colluli-impact-assessment-reviews-2016-07-11
 Article Headline: Danakali receives positive feedback from Colluli impact assessment reviews
 Abstract: Potash developer Danakali announced on Monday that the two-month public review period for the ASX-listed miner’s Eritrea-based Colluli potash project’s social and environmental impact assessment (SEIA) and associated management plans (SEMP) was now complete, with only positive feedback received on the content, quality and comprehensiveness of the assessment and management plans. “This is a great outcome and reinforces the excellent work done to date to support the project development,” said Danakali MD Paul Donaldson, adding that the work was effectively made available to the international community for the two-month review period.
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