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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/atlas-copco-adds-high-flow-models-to-vastly-expanded-dewatering-pumps-portfolio-2017-09-08
 Article Headline: Atlas Copco Adds High Flow Models to Vastly Expanded Dewatering Pumps Portfolio
 Abstract: Atlas Copco Portable Energy has expanded its offering for the dewatering market with the launch of over thirty new heavy-duty, high capacity pumps. This includes the addition of three high-flow models to its PAS range of centrifugal dry prime pumps. The new pumps are capable of accommodating flows of up to 1400 cubic metres per hour. “Since acquiring Varisco we’ve established a consistent presence in the dewatering market,” said Wim Moors, Vice-President Pumps, Atlas Copco Portable Energy. “The new single-brand portfolio provides our customers with the best choice and widest flexibility when selecting a high-quality pump for their application.”
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