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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/air-power-and-flow-solutions-from-newly-evolved-atlas-copco-power-technique-2017-07-25
 Article Headline: Air, power and flow solutions from newly evolved Atlas Copco Power Technique
 Abstract: Atlas Copco Power Technique has evolved out of the success of the Construction Technique business area to bring 360° air, power and flow solutions and services to mining and industry across Southern Africa. Since its establishment in January 2012, Construction Technique has developed into much more than construction; with its extensive product and service offering which includes core products for air (portable compressors), power (generators and light towers) and flow (pumps) as well as light equipment (handheld tools, compaction and concrete equipment), the business area’s steady growth across multiple segments is reflected by a turnover of €1557 billion in 2017.
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