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Photo of Terence Creamer Eskom seeks to reserve grid capacity for publicly procured IPP projects Has Video
Published: 24 May 24
Engineering News editor Terence Creamer discusses Eskom's application to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa, seeking permission to preserve and reserve grid capacity for publicly procured IPP projects, as well as the implications should permission be granted.
Cape Town adds new tech layer in fight against crime
Published: 24 May 24
Very early on in his term, Cape Town mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis was told by law enforcement agencies that there could never be enough boots on the ground to fully combat violent crime and the drug trade in the city. What these agencies needed was for the local authority “to go all in” on technology, adding a new layer every time it becomes more widely available and increasingly affordable.
An image of Sanjey Bhoowanpursadh Environmental research underscores firm’s regional efforts
Published: 24 May 24
Engineering and mining advisory group DMT Kai Batla asserts the need for a continued focus on promoting environmental consciousness, and extensive research and development within its operations.  The multinational’s Africa business is run from Johannesburg and assists companies in the Southern Africa region, as well as on the rest of the continent, with drilling and exploration projects to assess target areas for critical resource minerals. 
An image of Innomotics Country CEO Tim Walwyn Southern Africa always a key market – firm
Published: 24 May 24
With the trusted legacy of more than 150 years of Siemens engineering expertise, Innomotics is the backbone of reliable motion for industries and infrastructure worldwide. Amid the increased involvement of foreign companies in the mining and industrial sectors worldwide, leading supplier of motors and drives Innomotics South Africa asserts that the region has always been a key market and its technology has been part of the regional landscape since the start of the mining industry.
An image of Kevin Schlorke Mining’s shift highlighted in SmartMine IoT
Published: 24 May 24
With the advent of Industry 5.0, which will be characterised by the fusion of digital technologies, data analytics and automation, mining and industrial consultant Schauenburg Systems asserts that the mining industry is experiencing a profound shift towards digitalisation.  Industry 5.0 heralds a new era for mining, marked by the convergence of physical and digital space. Advanced sensor technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and real-time data analytics are transforming traditional mining processes, with Schauenburg’s SmartMine IoT platform said to be particularly revolutionary.
Remote Metering Solutions (RMS) chief commercial officer Frikkie Malan Smart metering to drive energy efficiency
Published: 24 May 24
The age-old practice of monthly meter readings is drawing to a close in the face of the modern world’s dynamic and fluctuating energy demands says utility metering management solutions provider Remote Metering Solutions (RMS) chief commercial officer Frikkie Malan. He explains that traditional methods and legacy systems no longer meet the demand of capturing the complete picture of energy consumption and building operations, necessitating a shift towards real-time load profile consumption data enabled by smart metering.
A cardboard cut out of the design of a modular building with a hand hovering over it Wood pushed as viable construction material
Published: 24 May 24
Engineered wood has emerged as a viable alternative to concrete and steel in the construction industry, owing to its low-carbon footprint and technical performance as a structural material, says tertiary education institution University of Pretoria’s (UP’s) Graduate School of Technology Management senior lecturer Dr Schalk Grobbelaar. However, the adoption of this solution in the industry is still notably low, he says.
BMW 7 Series clinches 2024 Car of the Year title
Published: 24 May 24
The luxurious BMW 7 Series has been awarded the 2024 South African Car of the Year (COTY) title. In a competition run by the South African Guild of Mobility Journalists (SAGMJ), the the Suzuki Fronx secured second place, with the BMW M2 claiming the bronze medal.
Auto shipments to foreign markets hit new high, but shift to electric vehicles sees drop in catalytic converter numbers
Published: 24 May 24
Despite a tough domestic economy undermining a recovery in new-vehicle sales to prepandemic levels, record vehicle exports in 2023 ensured that the South African automotive sector still managed to outperform the rest of the manufacturing sector, says Naamsa | The Automotive Business Council chief trade and research officer Dr Norman Lamprecht. The value of vehicles and automotive components exported from South Africa last year increased by R43.5-billion, or 19.1%, from the R227.3-billion recorded in 2022, to a record R270.8-billion – taking it to 14.7% of total South African exports.
A microscope view of a lichen spore which is a complex life form comprising a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms; a fungus and an algae Algae offers new carbon emissions solution
Published: 24 May 24
Based on the concept that algae are a carbon-capture powerhouse, Austin, Texas biotech company Reactive Surfaces has invested over $2-million in the research and development of an algae-infused paint and surface area treatment, to not only capture but also sequester carbon emissions. Lichen is a complex life form which comprises a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms - a fungus and an algae.
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