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Image of solar panels on rooftop Epping facility rooftop solar project, South Africa
Published: 29 Mar 24
Kimberly-Clark is developing one of Cape Town's biggest rooftop solar photovoltaic installations.
Black and white image of the Barakah NPP Barakah nuclear power plant, United Arab Emirates – update
Published: 29 Mar 24
Unit for of the nuclear power plant has been has been successfully connected to the grid.
Image of South Africa map/flag Sasol and Air Liquide large-scale renewable-energy project, South Africa – update
Published: 29 Mar 24
The Development Bank of Southern Africa has been appointed to act as a co-mandated lead arranger for three large-scale wind farms and 120 km of transmission lines, in the Eastern Cape.
Scematic of the MadoquaPower2x facility Sines green hydrogen and green ammonia plant, Portugal
Published: 29 Mar 24
MadoquaPower2X plans to build a hydrogen and ammonia facility in Sines.
Image of sun shining on solar panels Mmadinare solar complex, Botswana
Published: 29 Mar 24
The project is expected to offset 48 000 t/y of carbon dioxide emissions.
Image of solar, wind and battery energy project Goyder Renewables Zone, Australia
Published: 29 Mar 24
Neoen is developing a large hybrid renewable-energy project that will combine wind with solar and battery storage to provide renewable energy 24/7.
Image of hydrogen production plant Lubmin hydrogen project, Germany
Published: 22 Mar 24
Lhyfe plans to produce green hydrogen at the Lubmin plant, which will be built on the site of a decommissioned nuclear power plant, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
MINERALS project MINERALS project
Published: 22 Mar 24
The project will address the development and validation of advanced technologies for the selective extraction of high-value elements from the brine created in the reverse osmosis seawater desalination process.
Image of sun shining on solar panels Rhovan solar photovoltaic facility, South Africa
Published: 22 Mar 24
Glencore is building a 25 MW solar photovoltaic plant in North West.
Image of silhouette of wind turbines O Cerqueiral Wind Farm, Spain
Published: 22 Mar 24
Greenalia is building a wind farm on the Iberian peninsula of Spain, which will avoid the emission of 32 840 t/y of carbon dioxide.
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