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Image of hydrogen and solar power facility HyDeal España, Spain
Published: 05 Apr 24
HyDeal España envisages supplying green hydrogen over 20 years to major hydrogen consumption clusters in northern and eastern Spain at a price competitive with fossil fuels.
Image of hydrogen facility Aman green hydrogen project, Mauritania
Published: 05 Apr 24
CWP Global plans build an ultralarge-scale that will generate an estimated 110 TWh.
Solar panel array Green Giant solar project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Published: 05 Apr 24
SkyPower Global and Société Nationale d’Electricité plan to build a 1 000 MW solar plant.
Image of solar panels Teraco solar photovoltaic plant, South Africa
Published: 05 Apr 24
Teraco secured its first grid capacity allocation from State-owned power utility Eskom in February 2024.
Aritist's rendering of the Natrium reactor Natrium reactor demonstration project, US – update
Published: 05 Apr 24
Nonnuclear construction is expected to start this year.
Image of US map/flag Hanford tank waste treatment and immobilisation plant, US
Published: 29 Mar 24
US Department of Energy and Bechtel plan to build the world's biggest radioactive waste treatment plant in Washington state.
Image of sluice gates at an hydroelectric power station Batoka Gorge hydroelectric scheme, Zambia and Zimbabwe – update
Published: 29 Mar 24
Zambia and Zimbabwe are retendering the project.
Image of construction under way at Sir Lowry's Pass Sir Lowry’s Pass river upgrade, South Africa
Published: 29 Mar 24
To reduce flooding along the 12-km-long Sir Lowry’s Pass, the City of Cape Town has embarked on a major upgrade of the Sir Lowry Pass river.
Artist's impression of the Hyphen electrolysers Hyphen Hydrogen Energy. Namibia – update
Published: 29 Mar 24
The project has received a major boost from the German government.
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