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Image of Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis City of Cape Town hits apartment building developer with R1m fine
Published: 11 Jun 24
Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis has upheld a decision by the city’s Municipal Planning Tribunal to impose a record R1-million penalty for unauthorised building work. The penalty relates to a developer, named as Steven Kampies, constructing a 22-unit apartment building where only a single dwelling is permitted.
Explosion at Quantum Foods feed mill kills one, injures two
Published: 11 Jun 24
An explosion at Quantum Food’s Malmesbury feed mill on June 10 resulted in the injury of three individuals, one of whom subsequently succumbed to his or her injuries. The two other injured individuals sustained serious injuries and are receiving treatment but are in a stable condition, the company reported on June 11.
The risk of floods has increased in certain part of South Africa as a result of climate change South Africa’s climate focus needs to shift from setting targets to tangible results – Moosa
Published: 11 Jun 24
South Africa is now entering a new and more demanding phase of climate action, Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) deputy chairperson Valli Moosa asserts, stressing that the focus is not only on setting targets but on delivering tangible results. His statement follows the publication of the inaugural ‘South African State of Climate Action Report’, which finds that South Africa commitments to tackling climate change and facilitating a just transition are being hindered by incoherent policies, weak governance structures, and inconsistent actions by government and other stakeholders.
Solar PV panels installed at the Engen Meadowridge fuel station Solar PV panels rolled out at 150 Engen fuel stations in Southern Africa
Published: 11 Jun 24
Solar power provider SolarSaver, which serves as fuel retailer Engen's official solar provider, has installed solar PV systems at 150 Engen Petroleum fuel stations across Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. The installations, with a combined capacity of nearly 6.59 MW, will produce 12.2-million kilowatt-hours of electricity during the first year of operation.
Sacci logo Sacci records dip in BCI over April, May as elections unfolded
Published: 11 Jun 24
The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sacci) says the lead up to the national and provincial elections on May 29 had a notable effect on business confidence during April and May, with the Business Confidence Index (BCI) having dropped by 5.8 points in April to 108.9 and further to 107.8 in May. The recovery of the 6.9-point decrease over the two months will largely depend on the formation of a new government.
A construction site Weak economy weighed on construction in the first quarter – ACI
Published: 11 Jun 24
The Afrimat Construction Index (ACI) declined to a level of 103.7 in the first quarter of this year, down from 117.3 in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 105 in the first quarter of 2023. Economist Dr Roelof Botha, who compiles the ACI on behalf of JSE-listed mid-tier mining and materials company Afrimat, says the country's weak economic growth in the first quarter was evident in the construction sector, with eight of the ten constituent indicators of the ACI having recorded year-on year declines, and the ACI growth rate having slipped below zero.
KZN floods 2022 Natural disasters emerge as top risk consideration for professionals in construction, property
Published: 11 Jun 24
Thirty-eight percent of 3 000 risk management professionals and business leaders agree that natural catastrophes, fire and explosion risks are emerging as primary concerns in the engineering, construction and real estate industries. According to Allianz Risk Barometer, respondents to its survey said natural disaster risks were followed by business interruption, macroeconomic developments and cyber-incidents as concerns with 28%, 21% and 19% of respondents citing as such, respectively.
A VW sign on a building Volkswagen, Isuzu pour cold water on South Africa’s EV ambitions
Published: 11 Jun 24
Volkswagen and Isuzu Motors have expressed skepticism about South Africa’s plans to develop electric and hydrogen-powered vehicle industries. While the government in February announced that automakers will be allowed to claim a 150% tax deduction on investment in facilities to make the vehicles, the local heads of both companies said they’ll stay focused on internal combustion engine vehicles.
Accreditation Day underlines importance of the SANAS
Published: 11 Jun 24
In the current environment of fast-paced technological advancement, accreditation can enable organisations to embrace new technologies and drive innovation, as it provides a framework of trust and reliability. This was highlighted by speakers during the South African National Accreditation System’s (SANAS') 2024 World Accreditation Day breakfast, held in Centurion on June 10, under the theme “Empowering Tomorrow and Shaping the Future”.
The Arnot power station Eskom arrests suspected coal-swapping thief
Published: 11 Jun 24
State-owned power utility Eskom says the security investigation team at its Arnot power station has arrested a truck driver, who is suspected of having participated in the swapping out of coal destined for the power station with lower-quality product. On June 8, a tactical team spotted a truck loaded with coal to be delivered to Arnot entering a coal yard in Middelburg and then leaving after about an hour.
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