SELECT a_id, a_id_word, a_headline, a_publish_date, a_abstract, a_author, a_has_video, a_has_audio FROM su_cat_sg_mappings, re_categories , re_category_sections_assoc , pr_sections , pr_article_section_assoc , pr_articles_search, pr_article_media_assoc WHERE csg_sg_id = 1 AND csg_cat_id = cat_id AND a_status = 1
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Real Economy Insight 2021: Steel
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the steel sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the global and South African steel markets, the sector’s unexpected rebound, the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on South Africa and the measures proposed to mitigate some of the challenges facing the country’s steel sector.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Energy
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the energy sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the South African government’s first steps towards increasing distributed generation capacity and the challenges confronting State-owned power utility Eskom, as well as activities under the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme and Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Oil & Gas
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the oil and gas sector over the past 12 months. The brief considers South Africa’s refining sector’s uncertain future, imports and the country’s transition to a hydrogen economy.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Construction
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the construction sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the South African government’s intended infrastructure-led economic recovery and the outlook for the sector.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Automotive
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This four-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the automotive sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of South Africa’s automotive market, the significant investments made by original equipment manufacturers and the road ahead for the industry.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Automotive
Real Economy Insight 2021: Iron-ore
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This four-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the iron-ore sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the global and South African iron-ore markets, including South Africa’s iron-ore production and prospects for the future.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Iron-ore
Real Economy Insight 2021: Pumps
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the pumps sector over the past 12 months. The brief considers South Africa’s depressed pump manufacturing sector and how the advent of smart pumps and the Industrial Internet of Things is affecting the sector.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Manufacturing
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the manufacturing sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the global and South African manufacturing sectors amid the Covid-19 pandemic, power supply disruptions and the progression of manufacturing into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Platinum
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the platinum sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the global and South African platinum markets, platinum’s role in the hydrogen economy and its role in achieving carbon neutrality over the coming decades.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Gold
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the gold sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of gold’s performance in 2020 and whether gold will continue to dazzle in 2021.