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Energy Roundup – November 2021
Published: 10 Nov 21
Creamer Media's Energy Roundup is a monthly report providing a synopsis of energy-related news from South Africa.
The November 2021 roundup covers activities in October 2021 and includes details of State-owned electricity utility Eskom’s reliability maintenance recovery programme; Eskom’s joint venture with coal miners Exxaro and Seriti Resources to develop renewable-energy projects; and the growing constraints on South Africa’s power grid, which could precipitate a crisis similar to the one experienced in 2008.
Diamonds 2021: Agility in the face of crisis
Published: 26 Oct 21
The diamond industry was already under pressure before 2020, and the situation was exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which compelled the major miners to adopt a price-over-volume strategy and take steps to support the midstream segment. They reduced production by 20% and allowed customers to postpone purchases, and when demand recovered in the third quarter of 2020, the major miners lowered rough diamond prices by 10%.
Consumer demand received a further boost from strong holiday jewellery sales in December 2020, and 2021 has thus far proved to be a success for all segments of the diamond value chain, with miners achieving record sales, midstream margins growing amid high prices and jewellery sales exceeding previous forecasts.
Creamer Media’s ‘Diamonds 2021: Agility in the face of crisis’ report provides an overview of the world diamond market amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The report highlights rough diamond production, supply and demand, imports and exports, the production of synthetic diamonds, as well as the responsible sourcing of diamonds.
The report has a specific emphasis on diamond mining activities in South Africa over the past 12 months, and provides updates on the country’s major and midtier diamond producers, junior diamond mining companies, explorers and developers.
COP26: Advancing South Africa’s just energy transition
Published: 17 Oct 21
The Paris Agreement, which is a legally binding international treaty on climate change, outlines ambitious goals of limiting global warming to below 2 °C above preindustrial era levels while pursuing efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 °C by reducing carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.
Some countries have been raising their commitments as intended, with ambitious objectives set by the European Union (EU), the UK and Japan, besides others.
Nonetheless, the world is likely on course to warm by about 2.5 °C by the end of the century, according to research and consultancy group Wood Mackenzie.
Many countries are not on track for net zero by 2050 and governments still have much work to do to clarify their strategies for reaching their respective objectives.
South Africa’s Presidential Climate Change Coordinating Commission has published recommendations for a carbon-reduction commitment and has confirmed a long-term target for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by this date.
Yet, South Africa is unlikely to reach the net-zero emissions target by 2050. Its economy – and energy system – is one of the most coal-dependent in the world and government’s plans still allow for a significant amount of coal in the future power mix. This is despite the country’s complementary wind and solar resources being among the best renewable-energy resources in the world, available on vast amounts tracts of unused land.
Creamer Media’s ‘COP26: Advancing South Africa’s just energy transition’ considers the challenges that the world and, in particular, South Africa are facing with regard to reaching their climate-change mitigation goals. The report considers South Africa’s Nationally Determined Contribution; the country’s reliance on coal and the its converse potential it has as a preferred global destination for foreign and domestic decarbonisation investment while ensuring a just transition; South Africa’s renewables capability; and the consequences of delaying climate action.
Energy Roundup – October 2021
Published: 06 Oct 21
Creamer Media's Energy Roundup is a monthly report providing a synopsis of energy-related news from South Africa.
The October 2021 roundup covers activities in September 2021 and includes details of State-owned power utility Eskom’s Renewable Energy Tariff pilot programme to assist businesses that have corporate renewable-energy commitments; the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s rejection of Eskom’s fifth multiyear price determination application for the three financial years from 2022/23 to 2024/25; and local renewable-energy supplier Suntech Solar Power South Africa’s launch of proceedings in the High Court seeking to interdict and set aside the “selective and unlawful” exemptions granted by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition in respect of the current round of the Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme.
Projects in Progress 2021 (Second Edition)
Published: 24 Sep 21
Energy, freight transport, water and digital infrastructure have been identified in South Africa’s draft National Infrastructure Plan 2050, as the four critical network sectors that should receive priority over the next 30 years. These basic building blocks for economic development and progress will, no doubt, remain central in the final plan too.
In all four areas, there is significant pent-up demand.
Without sufficient electricity, it is more expensive to build new mines and mineral processing plants. Without water security, agricultural investment is stymied. Without sufficient ports, rail and roads, entire manufacturing value chains grind to a halt. Without digital infrastructure, the communication, coordination and marketing becomes challenging for all businesses.
Absent these supply-side building blocks, the pipeline of other growth-enhancing and job-generating projects, big and small, will remain insufficient to position South Africa to tackle its deep-seated problems of widespread poverty, rising unemployment and extreme inequality.
Indeed, there are also infrastructure needs in many areas beyond these four priority sectors. Nevertheless, progress in these areas will go some way towards opening up investment in other infrastructure segments, as well as in the productive sectors of farming, mining and manufacturing.
Africa Mining Projects in Progress 2021
Published: 23 Sep 21
Africa’s mining industry, for the most part, weathered the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The sector dealt with the impact of the pandemic extremely well, leading an effective response.
Most governments on the continent, acutely aware of the economic significance of mining commodities, steered clear of forcing strict restrictions on producing mining operations and their supply chains, global risk consultancy Control Risks states.
Taking into consideration the existing model of far-flung mine camps across the continent, the mining industry, generally, managed to isolate itself from the outside world through on-site lockdowns and strict access controls. At sites, where a strong culture of health and safety already existed, mining companies were able to establish robust testing and isolation infrastructure, often outperforming their host governments.
However, the extent, as well as the different effects, of the pandemic on mining in Africa are still unknown.
Creamer Media’s ‘Africa Mining Projects in Progress 2021’ report covers more than 40 mining projects across Central, East, North, Southern and West Africa, all offering very compelling mining propositions given the current economic environment, with several excellent prospects in the pipeline.
Energy Roundup – September 2021
Published: 06 Sep 21
Creamer Media's Energy Roundup is a monthly report providing a synopsis of energy-related news from South Africa.
The September 2021 roundup covers activities in August 2021 and includes details of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s updated timetable for the implementation of its long-term electricity procurement programmes; the explosion at Unit 4 of State-owned power utility Eskom’s Medupi coal-fired power station on August 9; and the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s intent to treat sub-100 MW registration as an ‘administrative’ process.
Energy Roundup – September 2021
Real Economy Insight 2021: Coal
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the coal sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of South Africa’s coal market, coal exports and touches on whether South Africa is approaching a “coal cliff”. It also delves into coal companies’ broader energy ambitions and the goal of a cleaner energy future.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Coal
Real Economy Insight 2021: Water
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the water sector over the past 12 months. It explains South Africa’s dire water situation in terms of supply and demand, water quality, and how a shortage of technical skills is impacting on water infrastructure.
Real Economy Insight 2021: Road & Rail
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors.
This four-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the road and rail sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of South Africa’s ailing road, and commuter and freight rail sectors.