SELECT a_id, a_id_word, a_headline, a_publish_date, a_abstract, a_author, a_has_video, a_has_audio FROM su_cat_sg_mappings, re_categories , re_category_sections_assoc , pr_sections , pr_article_section_assoc , pr_articles_search, pr_article_media_assoc WHERE csg_sg_id = 1 AND csg_cat_id = cat_id AND a_status = 1
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Amandelbult mine, South Africa
Published: 15 Nov 24
A platinum group metals mine on the north-western limb of the Bushveld Complex, in Limpopo, between Northam and Thabazimbi.
Rasp mine, Australia
Published: 01 Nov 24
A zinc mine in the City of Broken Hill, in the far west of New South Wales, in Australia.
Shoal Creek mine, US
Published: 11 Oct 24
A coal mine in the Jefferson, Tuscaloosa and Walker counties, in Alabama.