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Location map of the Etango project Etango-XP/ Etango-XT projects, Namibia – update
Published: 31 May 24
Bannerman is advancing front-end engineering design, among other plans for the project.
Image of Colombia flag and periodic table symbol for Colombia Soto Norte gold/copper project, Colombia – update
Published: 31 May 24
Aris Mining is commissioning a new prefeasibility study on the project.
Image of gold nugget and dust Kobada gold project, Mali – update
Published: 31 May 24
Toubani Resources has announced several changes to its board of directors and study management team to drive the delivery of the definitive feasibility study.
Image of the Garden Well operations Garden Well Main underground gold mine project, Australia
Published: 31 May 24
The project will open a new mining domain directly below the base of the current Garden Well openpit.
Image of Narrabri coal mine Narrabri Stage 3 extension project, Australia – update
Published: 31 May 24
An pbjection against the project has been dismissed by the federal court.
The above image depicts Manta Freight Logistics CEO Michael Tziranis Single point-of-contact for efficient logistics
Published: 31 May 24
A streamlined freight logistics management process, offered by integrated freight logistics solutions company Manta Freight Logistics, is being positioned as a possible solution to combat ongoing port logistics issues in South Africa, as well as the rest of Africa. Through Manta Freight Logistics’ freight management processes, customers are assigned a single point-of-contact when dealing with freight consignments, thereby simplifying the management protocol, aiding in operational efficiency and contributing to fewer administrative duties needing to be performed by multiple, different people in different departments.
Mixtec provides proactive aftermarket services such as maintenance, repairs and audits, including for third-party equipment Skilled engineers key to customer satisfaction
Published: 31 May 24
Industrial agitator and mixing specialist Mixtec’s dedicated field sales representatives, supported by consulting engineers specialising in mining applications, “resolutely” work to provide comprehensive support through the provision of detailed manuals and checklists, which the company says ensures that no detail is overlooked during installation and commissioning. These efforts are further bolstered by service engineers who provide prompt assistance for any inquiries, ensuring a seamless operational launch.
he above image depicts the Metso Crush Standardised conveyors improve productivity
Published: 31 May 24
In April, sustainable technologies solutions provider Metso launched a productised version of its FIT in-plant, and Foresight, overland conveyors for reliable material transportation in the mining industry. The high-capacity Metso Foresight overland conveyors are fixed or relocatable, connecting the primary crushing station with a coarse-ore stockpile; while the Metso FIT in-plant conveyors are compatible with Metso’s FIT crushing plants that are designed for the most demanding mining applications.
A more robust engineering workforce can drive technological advancements and operational efficiencies in mining Upliftment of engineers critical to industrial development
Published: 31 May 24
There is a critical need for broader educational reforms to encourage and increase the potential for take-up of engineering as a career among youth, including the country’s mining sector, which “remains the backbone of South Africa’s economy”, industry body Consulting Engineers South Africa (Cesa) tells Mining Weekly. To address this issue, Cesa emphasises the importance of overhauling the educational system to make engineering more accessible and appealing to young people. This includes integrating more comprehensive science, technology, engineering and mathematics curricula at primary and secondary education levels; offering targeted scholarships and internships; and fostering partnerships between industry players and educational institutions.
The above image depicts the WX07 LHD which has been engineered for demanding underground environments and designed for small, narrow-vein applications with limited manoevering space New LHD engineered for hard-rock mining
Published: 31 May 24
In an environment where cost control and remaining competitive and financially viable are constant challenges for operators of underground hard rock mines, mobile machinery manufacturer Komatsu reports that employing new technology is the logical starting point for making every aspect of a mine’s daily operations more efficient and cost effective. To support the local market with these challenges Komatsu recently launched its range of underground hard-rock equipment in Southern Africa.
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