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Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago SARB holds rates in shadow of election
Published: 30 May 24
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) left borrowing costs unchanged, delivering the widely expected verdict one day after the nation held pivotal elections. The monetary policy committee kept its benchmark interest rate at a 15-year high of 8.25% for a sixth consecutive meeting, Governor Lesetja Kganyago said at a press conference north of Johannesburg on Thursday.
Santam acquires home services marketplace Kandua
Published: 30 May 24
Short-term insurer Santam has acquired Kandua, an online marketplace company for home services. Kandua will merge with Santam’s existing home service offering, Home+, forming a wholly owned, independent subsidiary of the insurer.
Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies senior economist Gaylor Montmasson-Clair Supply-side support will be required if South Africa aims to join green industrialisation race
Published: 30 May 24
Stable demand remains a prerequisite if South Africa has any prospect of stimulating industrialisation in the renewable-energy and battery storage value chains, Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) senior economist Gaylor Montmasson-Clair has reiterated. But absent complementary supply-side measures – including tax and financial incentives, as well as an active trade policy – the country will struggle to attract green manufacturing investment in what is now a highly competitive global environment. In fact, Montmasson-Clair, who is also facilitator of the yet-to-be-launched South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM), counsels that South Africa will have to prepare a compelling investment case if it is to emerge as a market participant. One that cannot rely solely on rising demand for solar panels, wind turbines and batteries, nor on the country’s natural resource advantages and its current relative attractiveness as a manufacturing location when compared with its peers.
Natref refinery Commission grants approval for England-based Prax to acquire Natref
Published: 30 May 24
The Competition Commission has conditionally approved a proposed transaction between Prax South Africa and the National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa (Natref), whereby the former intends to acquire the latter. Prax is ultimately controlled by a firm incorporated in England called State Oil Limited, which is, in turn, controlled by Prax Group Holdings, which is also based in England.
Agricultural activity ARC stresses need for farmers’ access to finance, insurance in light of growing climate risk
Published: 30 May 24
With the agriculture sector’s 33-million smallholder farmers contributing 70% of Africa’s food supply, it is pertinent that more innovative financing mechanisms are created as the continent increasingly faces challenges of climate change, low productivity and conflict. Financial services provider African Risk Capacity (ARC) has called on policymakers to better assess the needs of farmers on the continent and enhance access to funding – if they expect Africa to meet the Malabo Commitment to end hunger by 2025 or the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Italtile store Italtile announces C-suite changes
Published: 30 May 24
JSE-listed tile retailer Italtile has announced it will move CFO Brandon Wood to the position of COO and appoint Lamar Booysen CFO. Both will remain executive directors on the board. Italtile says the appointments align with the group’s long-standing succession plan and ongoing strategy to enhance depth of management in the business.
Representatives from the AFC, Alstom and MetroKin sign MoU Africa Finance Corporation signs MoU with Alstom to deliver rail project in the DRC
Published: 30 May 24
Infrastructure financier the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) and sustainable mobility company Alstom have signed a memorandum of understanding to propel the development of the Kinshasa MetroKin rail project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The partnership was announced alongside the recent State visit of DRC President Félix Tshisekedi to France.
Global air cargo demand continued strong growth in April
Published: 30 May 24
The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which is the global representative body of the airline industry, has reported that global total air cargo demand continued to grow strongly in April. This was the fifth month in a row in which air cargo demand increased by double digits, in year-on-year terms. “Air cargo demand started [the second quarter] with a solid 11.1% increase,” highlighted IATA director-general Willie Walsh. “While many economic uncertainties remain, it appears that the roots of air cargo’s strong performance are deepening. In recent months, air cargo demand grew even when the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) was indicating the potential for contraction. With the PMI now indicating growth, the prospects for continued strong demand are even more robust.”
Image of Zeda CEO Ramasela Ganda Poor roads, bad weather and weak used-car market dent Zeda’s profit
Published: 30 May 24
Poor road conditions, hail storms, a shortage of car parts and a deteriorating used-car market all managed to dent Zeda’s operating profit for the six months ended March 31. The integrated mobility solutions provider, active in the leasing, car rental and fleet management sectors, on Thursday reported a 19% jump in revenue, to R5.3-billion.
SABS publishes voluntary national standard for plain language
Published: 30 May 24
The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) in March adopted and published the South African National Standard (SANS) 24495 – Plain Language. South Africa has been implementing the principles of plain language since the promulgation of the Consumer Protection Act of 2008.
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